Set up a massive train track!

Local neuro-diverse children will be able to play with their families in an inclusive place

Date and time
09:00 - 10:00
Sunday, 14th of May 2023
Who this task will support
All Aboard Club Community Interest Company
Aboard Club runs play sessions for autistic and ADHD children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves. We provide a safe, understanding and inclusive environment for the children to enjoy their trains. The children are in charge. They can run trains around the track, or build their own track. They can choose from boxes and boxes of trains, track, tunnels and bridges.

Please note that this community mission has been cancelled.

🚂 All Aboard Club provides a space for local children with ADHD/autism and other neuro-diverse children to play with their family in an inclusive place. They've asked us for help setting up a massive train track for the children - from carrying the boxes in from the car to laying the track down. Read more from in our report for last month's session.

🚲 If you want to cycle, check the option under "Getting there" below ⬇️ where you can sign up to meet at SE20 Cycles in Penge if you like. 🚲

Any questions? Comment below or email me!

How are you getting there?

Meet at the task
I will make my own way to the task
  • Unknown runner
Meet at SE20 Cycles in Penge for a decent length ride. It's slightly hilly but not too bad.
  • Cat
  • Mark Gilyead

Photos of the task


Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead
Thursday May 4th, 2023 14:52

Hi all, Unfortunately this has been cancelled due to low ticket sales :( Hopefully there will be another session the month after.

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Date and time
09:00 - 10:00
Sunday, 14th of May 2023
Who this task will support
All Aboard Club Community Interest Company
Aboard Club runs play sessions for autistic and ADHD children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves. We provide a safe, understanding and inclusive environment for the children to enjoy their trains. The children are in charge. They can run trains around the track, or build their own track. They can choose from boxes and boxes of trains, track, tunnels and bridges.

As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.

Ideal for beginners

Biggin Hill Memorial Museum
Main Rd, Leaves Green
TN16 3EJ

Mark Gilyead
Led by Mark Gilyead

Mostly runs for the train. On purpose obvs.

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