Core blimey...

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brent
Ellie Hutch
Clare Moscrop
Laura Miles
Claire Thomson
Hannah Josephine
Ruth Murphy
Hannah Liddell
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Monday 16th May 2016

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Seven Senoritas hit up West London for another epic night of goodness and graft. Ladies, Leaflets and Laughter, that's just how we do it at GG Brent.

On a gorgeously sunny Monday evening and after 2 long weeks away, I was thrilled to be back with my crew of awesomeness to tackle another series of challenges for the fair borough of Brent. Having missed the usual first Monday Track session of the month, I thought to myself Track.... Mid May.... Why the Hell not! So armed with Leaflets, this all female crew, poured onto the streets for some in-house promo on route to Willesden Track.

Community spirit was alive and kicking as the red clad ladies whizzed down Willesden High Road meeting and greeting potential new recruits at every turn. With a swift and chatty approach, before long we had arrived at destination track and wasted no time at all with 2 circuits paced by our resident Mouse to set the tone.

After the laps, it was heads down and work, with drills focussing on COORRRREEEEEEE!!! Core strength, a crucial yet, completely under worked area for lets face it most of us runners! So we set to work, first up - circle running drills which proved a complicated mission, perhaps it was the sun in their eyes..... but this band of beauties couldn't quite tell their left from their right..... ahhhh who needs a sense of direction.... am I right? or is that left?

Run, freeze, touch the ground and freezzeeeeee! and from the amount of wobbly, one leg stands, it was clear we needed to seriously engage those Cores, before any further running took place. Therefore the session continued with a gallant effort from all involved; Planks, chair freeze, ab crunches and so much floor work that the shakes began to appear. After 20mins of Hard-Core Work We tested out our newly engaged cores with the running drills once more. To everyone's surprise, the one leg stands had improved and actually shaped up to be a beautiful array of statue strong poses from everyone!

After the strength training, I challenged my team to 200m sprints and recovery splits. With their newly engaged cores, the running techniques on display were pretty spectacular! SEEEEEEEEEE Not just doing it to be mean!

After a yoga worthy stretch and shake out run back to base camp, the crew sat down for the usual.... Teas, beers and salty nuts. Never was there a better way to end a night of GoodGym then to sit and catch up with Good Friends. Awwwwwwwweeeeeee

See you next time Brent!!


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Care for a Kitchen that cares for the Community!
🗓Monday 10th March 7:00pm

It will make for a more sanitary and enjoyable space for cooking volunteers to cook up the weekly community meal

Tabitha Skinner
One GoodGymer is going