Monday 19th September 2016
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
GoodGym Richmond were raring to go last night with spirits unhampered by the slightly rainy and damp streets of Richmond last night, and buoyed on by our visiting Running Coach Lisa who kindly stepped in and came over from GoodGym Ealing to cover for Mark. We covered a pretty big 5.5km including a mega circuit at the end!
Shoutout to Jane who is a GoodGym newbie AND wrote this here run report...legend!
The infamous hill called us again (it is rather like a strange magnet) en route to Cambridge (Gardens) for some weeding tasks. The run felt rather like a cross between a magical mystery tour because most of us didn't know where these mysterious gardens were tucked away and therefore had no idea how much further we had to run (a good thing) combined with a sightseeing tour because it would have been rude not to show visiting Lisa from Ealing the famous Turner view from the top of Richmond Hill.
Along the way we did lots of circuit type exercises to add to the climb and soon realised that it wasn't a cold damp autumnal evening at all, but hot and humid!
On arrival at Cambridge Gardens (it is one of Richmond's fabulous community parks tucked away on the riverside but just across the bridge from Richmond), we met the lovely Tina who was going to be in charge of our weeding. But unbeknown to us all whilst we were having so much exercise fun and chat along the way, darkness had descended and we were shrouded in a darkness that made it a little too dark to weed. So the big moral from our group last night is for any outdoor tasks from this week onwards as we head into the autumn and winter is wear HEADTORCHES! (also always good for safety when running in the dark). Or get really good at our plant identification skils!
So we used the rest of the time constructively to get our fitness levels up thanks to more circuits with Lisa on Richmond Green!
Finally a big thank you to David for the yummy and most welcome flapjacks at the end of our bumper fitness session - we are always happy to do our bit in the name of market research for you - the pumpkin and spice flavour seemed the sure fire winner!
Volunteer at the first Richmond Mind Mental Elf Run to help raise funds