Many hands make light work

5 Goodgymers helped their local community in Birmingham
Rose Perkins
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Tuesday 8th August 2023

Birmingham runner


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Report written by Birmingham runner

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Tonight 5 GoodGymers undertook a super sorting shift at Narthex's Clothes Bank.

Rose was very organised and efficient and had a list of jobs for us to assist with upon arrival.

This included sorting through winter clothes and taking them upstairs. Miriam and Amy W were largely upstairs dealing with this and generally doing a fantastic job at organising this area, as can be seen in the photos.

Amy H did a great job at sorting through and hanging out clothes which are to be sold at the upcoming clothes sale, which will raise much needed funds for their foodbank and money advice service. This is taking place this Friday (11/08/23) and there is still time to assist with the sale itself - you can sign up at:

Rose and I sorted through some clothes, before later focusing on clearing some pallets which involved going through lots of empty cardboard boxes to decide whether to keep or discard them.

We were able to get through lots of work and, as they say, many hands make light work. We look forward to returning again soon.

This task supported
Narthex Sparkhill
Sorting and packing donations for our food and clothes bank

supply people in need with the food and clothes they need in a time of crisis

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