Smells like clean spirit!

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Greenwich
Sarah Place
Alex Murtough
Ben Cooper
Christian Brown
Thomas Wilkinson
Vickie Burns
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Wednesday 12th October 2016

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7 super runners ran 5km to give the MHA Trust charity shop a good old clean!

This week, GoodGym is raising awareness for mental health and wellbeing as part of the England Athletics #runandtalk campaign and what better to help out that going to the Mental Health Activity trust!


Now everyone is familiar with the drinking game Roxanne... so I thought I would put a little spin on it and turn it into a warm up! Mwahahaha. After a few laps of the quad while I got my temperamental bluetooth speaker working, we got started! The group was split in half, one half Roxanne and one half red light and we would jog on the spot and then when the respective word was sung by the lovely Sting, you had to do a burpee! After two choruses in other words constant burpees I think everyone was pretty warm...!

The charity shop was situated past Maze Hill/Vanbrugh Hill kind of way so a hill was unavoidable but these guys are used to it by now!

After 15 minutes or so we arrived and were greeted by the lovely Toni! She explained what needed to be cleaned inside and out, shelves and mirrors cleaned, general clean in the whole shop plus a good old hoover (we knew who was doing that!).

You gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work

Tom & Ben volunteered to clean the windows on the outside whilst everyone else spruced up indoors. I got some tunes on and conveniently Work From Home came on, giving everyone that extra bit of motivation they needed to work hard haha! And work hard they did! After barely even half an hour the, store was sparkling! Awesome job!

We took a few photos and then were on our way. We have been pretty lucky the past few months weather wise, but last night undid all of that! As soon as we left the shop it POURED down. I think everyone was hoping I would say let's not worry about the fitness session tonight due to everyone being drowned rats but OH NO! Even in the rain we train!

Bring Sally up...

Another workout to music for the fitness session, but officially the shortest fitness session ever, a whole 3 minutes! But 3 minutes squatting is not easy. We squatted to a song called Flower by Moby and the song says Bring Sally Down and then you go down in a squat and then when it says Bring Sally up, you guessed it, you stand up! So after a few minutes of that I think we were all feeling the burn. If you're feeling it today I do apologise! Let's blame Sally. Who is Sally anyway?!

After a little stretch we went round to get our bags and have some biscuits! Ben kindly brought along some literature on 10 ways to live a happier life which I love and currently is pinned on my noticeboard at home!

Last few things...

Huge good luck to Tom running Manchester half marathon on Sunday! Can't wait to hear how you get on!! You're gonna smash it! And if anyone fancies joining myself and Vickie at the Midnight to Midnight 24hr 10k relay then they are more than welcome, even if it is just for one lap! It is all raising money for a great cause The Running Charity who help homeless young people in London. You can use code Sarah15 for 15% off too :)

Again MASSIVE well done last night team! It would've taken Toni hours to do all of that herself and she really appreciated it so thank you! See you next week!

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Volunteering at Charlton Parkrun
🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

Start your Saturday in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!

VicCecilia D🍀JC
3 GoodGymers are going