Wednesday 16th January 2019
Report written by Pennie Varvarides
This week FOURTEEN awesome GG-ers ran 2km to help clear litter on the green and plant bulbs in front of the Town Hall.
We were joined by FIVE new runners: Rhiannon, Carolyn, Anna, Natasha and Cian - Go give them all a cheer!
It's always extra fun when we get new people along!
This evening started with some mild drama in the form of me and Cathy both (separately) being stuck in traffic unlike any other. My normal 20-30 minute journey took over an hour!
Luckily, Dave and Sarah were on hand to get everybody signed in, warmed up and around the block in time to meet Laura at the Green.
I arrived just in time for task kick off and met all the wonderful new runners!
Half the team was planting bulbs, finishing off the planter in front of the Town Hall we started work on in December; whilst everybody else was litter picking.
So many empty bottles of whiskey, vodka and beer were cleared, along with hundreds of fag ends, snack packets and other random rubbish that had been dumped/blown onto the green.
After 30 minutes, the teams had both blitzed their tasks and it was time to pack up. We returned our tools to the storage room, headed back to the Town Hall (where there's space and light) and played a couple of games.
We started with some 70% sprints. The floor was mega slippy and I was worried somebody would slip, so warned against maximum effort.
Pleased to report there were no accidents!
After a couple rounds, focusing on knee drive and picking up our feet, it was time for a different sort of game: knee tag.
We played three 30s (I have no idea actually, I wasn't really timing you - soz =p) rounds of partner knee tag. This is a fun little game I've taken with me my whole life from back when I was doing taekwon do. The idea is to tap your partner's knees without getting hit back.
We then almost looked at art (but it wasn't really there) before sprinting back to base for stretches and hi fives.
See you all next week!
Light gardening work on Tottenham Green or at the Marcus Garvey Library
See moreHaringey
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