Tuesday 22nd January 2019
Report written by Lisa Hamilton
16 awesome runners joined tonight to run a collective 6km. Starting from the usual point of Lifeleisure Grandcentral, we set off our run at 6.30pm.
After a catch up and warm up we set to running to the location, there was a slight change of plan, instead of being given food bank bins I was given promotional leaflets about a event that chelwood foodbank are holding on thursday 24th January, 7-9pm at chelwood baptist church, cheadle Hulme sk8 5qa. For more information about chelwood woodbank plus visit the facebook page at www.chelwoodfoodbankplus.org
For our back up plan we ran to a local high school, Stockport Academy and Lifeleisure Avondale for a quick plog and spritz up in the snow. As a extra treat I added a little yoga session, to warm up the lovely people and give some stretch skills to take home.
It was great to see a some newbies this week, well done, you worked super hard! It was also fab to have some of the Sheffield Goodgym crew over, showing us how to leg pop like a pro and run in jeans!
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