Snailed it.

5 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brighton
David Richards
Diego Chernichero
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Tuesday 18th May 2021

David Richards
David Richards


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Report written by David Richards

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On the 18th May.....yes you heard that right...the 18th May not March...five of us rocked up to Manor Paddock where Luc had the usual amount of jobs for us to do. Diego was banished to the outside patio and flower beds where a lot of weeding was needed. Katharine and I tended to a couple of beds where a crazy amount of weeds and aliums needed removing. Sherman took on a rather large lavender root that had died over winter and Rosie ,who was delighted to have a knee cushion, weeded a bed out back. Despite our number being few we achieved a great deal. I've never seen so many snails in my life either which led to conversations about their pros and cons. Never a dull moment at Goodgym.

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Turning the Tides Beach Clean 🌊
🗓Sunday 16th March 11:00am

Take part in Surfers Against the Sewage Beach Clean to raise awareness on plastic pollution

Nicola ThomasJane DallawayDianaRob MittonKatie HutchinsonSophie Ward
6 GoodGymers are going