Monday 20th February 2017
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Let's start with a big hand for first timer GoodGymmer Dani Then a massive cheer for John C who did his 50th good deed last night.
Back to St. Luke's Community Centre this week to help fill a newly-constructed planter with topsoil and compost.
Because of group size we split into two teams taking turns to work and exercise with superstar Aidan looking after the workforce and Simon taking the exercises.
Exercise involved a spot of "core-dination" work and we then worked on a bit of technique, complete with detailed explanation of the importance of short ground contact time and elastic energy. The main goal was to teach oursleves to lean forwards while running and getting the feet to land underneath the body, and this was achieved by practising falling starts (just what it sounds like) and then some high knees while supporting ourselves in a leaning position.
Following task/drills Caroline dished out her homemade gingerbread men. So gingery, so tasty. Thanks, Caroline.
Back into two teams for the journey home, a brief stretch and then a vote on whether or not Twiglets count as crisps, which led to more important questions such as whether Wotsits, Doritos and Pringles count as crisps. A large majority thought not. Good! Cos I like crisps and Twiglets are disgusting. BTW, Pringles are legally not crisps
Then a few of us popped over to 'spoons for grub and drinks. Perfect.
We are of course back next week. What are we going to be doing? It's a surprise (OK, I haven't got anything yet, but have I ever let you down?)
See you there,
P.S. Tip o' the GoodGym cap to Patrick for pun report title
Tue 21st Feb 2017 at 1:37pm
A little arty add on for this run report.
Tue 21st Feb 2017 at 3:48pm
I was wondering who did that.
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens