Mini Me!

14 Goodgymers helped their local community in Birmingham
Morwenna Kearns
John Hayes
Aidan Wheeler
Jonny Carter
Maria Fernandez
Laura Smith
David Halford
Richard Clark
Daniel Edge
Natasha Eden
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Tuesday 26th June 2018

Jonny Carter
Jonny Carter




Richard Clark
Richard Clark


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Report written by Jonny Carter

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14 people ran 7k to do some gardening for Lillian de Lissa Nursery School

On a very hot evening it was great to welcome Natasha to GG Brum for the first time. Even more impressive was that she was fresh from completing a Triathlon on Sunday, who needs recovery 😉 We headed on our way to a new task tonight. Lillian de Lissa School was our destination. The run was just over three k down to the school, the heat making it quite hard work, so everyone was ready for a cold drink on arrival, which was kindly provided by the staff at the school.

The job was to trim lots of trees and plenty of weeding, the group spent a good 25 minutes doing our good deed, doing a rather grand job. After the task we had the usual group photo, Richard finding a puppet (or was that muppet?!) and apparently it looked like a mini version of me, hence the pun. Anyway, the puppet is in the pictures, so you can make your own minds up! Laura being one of the smaller members of the group was the one who got to try out the kids slide! After all that ‘Tom Foolery’ we had one last picture and we were on our way again.

never to hot for a plank

With it being on the hotter side of warm, I thought instead of some interval training tonight we would do some core work in St Paul’s square. The square also has the added benefit of having a bit of shade. It was side planks, followed by up and down planks and then to finish some high intense plank jacks! Top work everyone, as I’m sure you were all a bit hot and bothered by this stage, so it was great to see everyone still working hard and aren’t I pleasant not giving you hill sprints to do in the heat?!

Once done we had a few minutes of running back to 1000 Trades and that was job done for another week!

Next week we will be out doing good again, at the slightly earlier time of 5.45pm, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

This task supported

A school in a disadvantaged area of Birmingham

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