Monday 2nd January 2017
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And it's all because the Run Trainer is clearly still in festive mode and his appetite is bigger than it should be. Which might be fine when it comes to a few mince pies but when it's 100's more leaflets than our man power could muster then it's long night.
This said the devoted, die hard Richmond team never questioned the quantity but merely got stuck in to our first task of 2017. With maps in hand, divided they conquered most of the roads they were asked to hit. Our task tonight was to deliver promotional leaflets for the ETNA Community Centre. Some may recall we decorated their Christmas tree for our last task of 2016 and fittingly our first task for this year was to promote all that this wonderful organisation offer the Richmond community. The range of services available is huge as you can see from their brochure, what is not as obvious are the other more sensitive support groups that are also available here. They really are a gem in the Richmond community.
Have I mentioned how intensely cold it was this evening. If not then please consider the cars were frozen in the cosy drives of the huge houses where we had to make our rounds. Lots of nostalgia for some bringing back the huge newspaper bags on frosty mornings to make the rounds. The difference here was it was evening, we had no paper bags (Gillian is now working on this!) and also the size of the properties meant it was almost 200 metres dash to front door from the gate or as some will admit it was more like a clumsy ice skater slipping on the frost and cursing as the leaflets went everywhere. Aside from envying just ever so slightly the cosy family nestled by their Christmas tree watching the bank holiday blockbuster (which we have probably all seen before) , all our feelings were focused on how much good we were making our community aware of.
Thanks to all who took photos tonight, or appeared in selfies, the Run Trainer apologises for being missing in action and is still confused as to how he was the last one back to Wholefoods but more than this he is completely dumbfounded by the fact that his team members could not find him assisting with the leaflets when he was carrying the biggest brightest, halogen head torch that his neck could support, his new illuminous rucksack and his banana glow in the dark trainers! Next week he will look into carrying some flares.
A big shout to two new runners tonight, Gillian and Elaine, awesome to have you on the team and welcome back Alice and Jenna.
That's it for now, I am dog tired (see photo) and off to fight the man flu!
Have a great week and keep the ideas bouncing for some group races we can enter
Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve