Wednesday 31st October 2018
Report written by Pennie Varvarides
This week, 6 spooky ghouls ran 5km through the woods to bury bodies and shift some wood chip.
We were joined by TWO GG newbies: Justine and Raj.
Cathy made us a selection of Halloween biscuits and Niamh brought us some glow sticks and face paints.
After intros and warm ups it was time to head to Lordship Rec to meet Catherine and collect the tools.
We then ran the wheel barrows to the other side of the park, where we filled over a dozen wheel barrows full to take to the path in the woods.
The team took it in turns to fill and carry the wood chip, running laps up and down the hill.
We managed to lay about three quarters of the path. We were asked on multiple occasions if we were burying a body. Asked by a mommy, a zombie, a boy on a bicycle and a couple of other boys walking past.
It was soon time to take our tools back and say our goodbyes.
We finished off with some form work, focusing on foot placement and leaning into the run.
After a few rounds, we continued on back to base for some treats.
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