Tuesday 17th September 2024
Report written by Danny
Kat and I converged at TRAID in Kilburn just after closing time to help five of their staff and volunteers put away the Summery bits that they didn’t sell in the prior few weeks of the sale - The only thing more amazing than what people will buy, is what they won’t – garments of unknowable purpose in all manner of patterns of every plant and flower and animal prints of every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth.
The task as ever was to get the items off the hangers / rails, into a few enormous boxes around the shop floor, to then be shipped out of the shop. A novel innovation this time was moving the piles of clothes across the shop floor by sliding them along the ground – quicker, more fun and possibly easier on the back keep bending down.
It took us seven about 75 mins to get the clothes and hangers away ready for the restock on Wednedsay, and reopen with all new donated bits on Thursday.
Mon 23rd Sep 2024 at 9:41am
love the selection of clothes!
Helping our local community with this important task