Monday 19th March 2018
Report written by Paul Bown
19 GGers met on the 19th March in not 19 degrees to help Caxton House
Thank you all for coming on the last Monday of winter (I really hope), it's great to be surrounded by such brave souls in doing good in Islington. Welcome along to Lucy whose first time it was yesterday - lovely to have you along.
In the news this week:
After a warm up we headed north via Hornsey Road and the backstreets to Caxton House, this has been a regular task over the years for us and it's a brilliant one!
Caxton House Community Centre describes itself as "local community hub based in Islington, we offer a number of education, fitness and arts projects; and provide a key link between like-minded organisations and the local community."
Upon meeting Rose she told us our tasks for the evening:
Armed with an array of tools we got to work doing some GOOD work. In between our tasks we did high knees and some star-jumps to keep us warm in sub-zero temperatures.
Banana Bread!
On our way home we leafleted the area for Caxton House and Green Gym, promoting local volunteering and activities for the community to get involved in.
Social time! We headed to the pub for our monthly social, taking all the koala veggie burger stock on offer (excluding Aidan's that is...). Kike had made some lovely banana bread - which didn't contain nuts and therefore Alix didn't get poisoned. Good news all round!
Sign up here for next week, we are helping St Lukes and Ramsey Flowers Group with some SPRING gardening.
PB out.
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens