Wednesday 13th June 2018
Report written by Sarah Place
15 awesome runners ran 3.5km to help clean out the toy container at The Bridge Community Centre!
Another lovely evening in Greenwich last night. We welcomed two new faces, Kat and Imogen who actually spotted us in our red T shirts doing our litter picking last week! Awesome!
We were meant to go to Age Exchange last night but sadly it was cancelled, hopefully we'll go back in a couple of weeks. Instead, we went back to an old favourite of ours, The Bridge! Their toy container gets used day in day out during clubs, workshops and parties so the toys get very dirty and the container gets extremely messy so every couple of weeks we go back and help Raeleen sort it out and she provides us with biscuits in return!
We arrived and got going straight away! Two chains were formed to pass down the toys and clear out the container. Watering cans and buckets were filled with water and a mini carwash had been set up!
Once the container was cleared, it was time to give it a sweep and get rid of any litter and broken toys. And then the game of tetris began, trying to slot everything back nice and neatly roughly where it was before!
After half an hour we were done! The toys were clean and put away nicely and we were ready to head off... but not before a few biscuits and a photo of course!!!
We then set off back to the uni in time for a quick fitness session. We paired up with one person doing a 250m run/sprint and the other person doing some leg burning moves. 2 rounds and we called it a night!!!
By the way if anyone wants to write the run report next week, just let me know!
Great work everyone! Next week we will be heading back to St Lukes school so hopefully see you then!
Get fit and do good in Greenwich