Monday 6th March 2017
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Welcome to Sarah, Eve, Rebeca, Tina and Alex all joining us for their first run this evening.
Steve led a gang to Freightliners for for muck shovelling. 40 bags of nice smelly fully rotted compost were filled from the top of the heap to fill an order for a customer which raises funds for the farm. We also got to feed the goats and sheep. We then set off for a ever so slightly longer run home where we met with the Urban Spaces group to engage in a little hill dashing.
And here's Jess's account of the night:
No kidding, The Good Gym is the forking shit! A few of us headed around the corner to help out on Freightliner's farm. We didn't run very far or indeed very fast but it was worth it to get to hang out with our farm yard friends. But it's not all sheep and goats, we shoveled a whopping 40 bags of manure and got a good arm work out in the process. With that achievement we didn't even notice the smell!
Don't forget that the farm are hosting a Cow vs. Pig 5k on the 19th March.
Graham's gang popped over to Thornhill Square, a delightful public space towards Barnsbury. Graham explains what happened:
Led ably by Graham and Caroline - okay, definitely Caroline's navigation skills - a third group went to visit Thornhill square to shift and spread mulch. After a nice and easy run there we worked for hard for 30 minutes on the task, shifting and spreading mulch across 3 rose beds. Between just 5 of us we shifted approximately one tonne (disclaimer: entirely guesswork) within half an hour - a GoodGym record? Post-run, we ran back harder featuring a game of secret surges. Great sprints from all involved, and a particularly excellent party trick from Caroline 'faster' Townsend. We even got back first! More Monday nights, more running, more good. Standard.
And a brand new task for some of us. We visited Urban Wild Places who are transforming an area up near Finsbury Park. First job was to do a spot of clearing up, carefully separating, dirst, debris and soil (there is a difference) and also dismantling some gigantic metal tables with the tightest nuts and bolts in existence (our trusty old number 17 spanner did the trick). Host Hilary was really happy with how much we achieved in such a short space of time and wants us back for more. Always a good sign.
On the way home we stopped at Emirates for a couple of cone games. The wind tried to put paid to our attempts to have a bit of fitness fun, as did a cheeky little dog that grabbed one of the cones in his fuzzy muzzle and ran off with it. Bad puppy!
Simon promised more flapjacks. But he lied and we had to make do with Steve's emergency supply. There will be flapjacks with chocolate on top next week. This time the promise won't be broken. Probably.
Are job interviews a waste of time? The primacy effect, the contrast effect, the halo effect, the over-confidence effect are all big problems. Objective measures have been shown to be more reliable, but everybody thinks they are a good judge of character. On the other hand who wants to hire an ugly person?
We forgot to have a vote, but opinion seemed divided so let's call it a draw for now.
Next week
Great triple tasking around the borough everybody. Next week we're back at Urban Wild Places and another task TBC. See you there
P.S. Tip o' the GoodGym cap to Prolific Punner Patrick for pun report title.
Monthly community gardening mornings with the Friends of Compton Terrace Gardens