Monday 20th March 2017
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
There was a chill in the air but it was a clear night sky, all were getting excited about the lighter evenings but tonight head torches were very much needed! One runner even declared himself as 'the human spotlight' for the task...this was team work in all its glory at GoodGym tonight.
After admiring Jane's flowery gardening gloves and announcing this as day one of Gillian's half marathon training we set off...our run took us on a 'detour' before we reached the task destination, what we later found out was that 'detour ' meant...
"the whooping great big Nightingale Lane hill"
This training session had been hours in the planning with our run trainer strategically calculating the different run segments (apparently using his dog as a stand in) and boy was it tough! Hell yeah! A 3 man relay making our way to the top with Gillian powering through it like a giselle.
Once the hard core training (or 'fun' as someone referred to!!!) was over we made our way to ETNA, our task was to take a second stab at weeding. To greet us was Sara, GG runner who ran from home to join us
After policing 'what is a weed and what isn't a weed' (we really needed you Elaine!) and steering clear of the Herb Garden, we split into two teams and got to work. The most satisfying part was pulling up the remainders of an old dead tree (gosh we pray it was supposed to be pulled up!) As we weeded we reminisced about old school days and got talking about throwing sticky weeds at our peers, discovering that these problem plants had a nick name or a few as Google later revealed (see photo attached)...
Cleavers - also known as stickyweed, sticky willow, stickyjack, grip grass and STICKY WILLY ( oh how we felt like children again giggling under our breaths and praying Mark wouldn't give us lines as we presented him with this genius pun)
And to top it all off we had keys! All the keys we needed, we didn't loose any and we managed to get into the bin! (Well not literally)
We raced back to Wholefoods (literally) and stretched off feeling all chuffed with ourselves. Well done team!
Welcome back Thomas! Great to see you. Maya thank you (I think) for the pun and Jenna for writing the run report.
Lastly I promised you a few reminders....
The next GG social is at Basement Door at the Vineyard on 7th April, this is a no alcohol venue but there are scrummy tea and cakes.
Tug of war in Twickenham is on Friday 9th June at 6pm, in Twickenham and we need a team of 10.
GoodGym Olympics takes place on Saturday June 10th. The aim will be to host a mixture of serious and more novel track events to hopefully cater for everyone, these include 100, 400m, elimination mile all the way too the egg and spoon and sac races and even a GoodGym task relay race that incorporates aspects of a GoodGym task, i.e. a human wheelbarrow leg etc etc. Please let me know if you are itching to be involved.
With regards to the marathon the link will be posted on Whats app shorty, thanks to those that were inquiring.
And finally, well done to Jane on her 10km race on Saturday
Happy running guys
Tue 21st Mar 2017 at 8:46am
Genius pun indeed and great run report Mark. Your fountain pen still works then?!
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