An 'App' a day keeps the doctor at bay.

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brent
Ellie Hutch
Laura Miles
Samuel Proposch
Tabitha Skinner
Daniel Heller
Claire Thomson
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Monday 1st May 2017

Ellie Hutch
Ellie Hutch


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Report written by Ellie Hutch

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May the force be with you, because it was definitely with us when a sensational seven, paper-chased their way through magnificent Monday. Pummelling plyos, blasting out burpees and boshing out 100 lunges for good measure!

OKAY OKAY OKAY I can't even lie, what was due to be an 11k course, was quickly changed when I woke up on Monday morning with Hackney Half Marathon - 'Hangover leg doms'!!! So with all the passion and purpose of a motivated Goodgym trainer, I texted my go to motivational cheerleader and runner-rep Clairey-Bell HELLPPPPPPP But with Claire's never faltering cheery spirit, she encouraged me on and suggested an adapted session and slightly less mileage..... What would I do without my crew!!! Sometimes even the coach needs a little TLC.

So when 7pm rolled round I was at base camp with all the positivity (and a teeny tiny but of self-pity... just a bit!!) But like always at Goodgym Brent, my awesome troops raised the positive vibes in an instant and what do you know, I was ready to Rock the roads once more!

So with resident lovely - Dan Heller providing us with the leaflets for this week's task, he set to work on telling us what they were all about: Incredibly handy informational cards describing how to use the new NHS health and well-being info app, developed by young people, for young people.

Now let me tell you, these cards were the business and even provided some cheeky laughs with the use of some hilarious emjois; A juicy peach and long purple aubergine demonstrating the need for sexual health advice OOHHH ERRRRRR! LOL.

So wasting no more time giggling like school-kids (Okay we did carry that on for at least the first half hour) we set off onto the roads of Willesden sprinkling the love and sharing the wealth of our leaflets with all that we passed!

With a cool mile dashed off in quick pace, we arrived at our substitute fitness arena for the eve; Not the hilly climb of Hamstead, but instead the grassy wonderment that is Gladstone Park YIPPEEE

And in the last of the glistening sun rays setting over the fields of green, my troops began their three-plan series of; Fat Burners, Plyometrics and Conditioning reps! Including;

  • Tempo Sprints X3 sets

  • 100 walking lunges

  • The Plyos medley of; Jump Squats, burpees and jump lunges

POW to the mother-trucking POW

The badass beauts from Brent, dashed off this serious arrangement with all the gusto and grit they are renowned for, even saving enough energy for some jumping selfies and planks!! Doing it for the photo creds - Standard behaviour... but still, Planks on a bank holiday!!!! Sadhana would have been proud!!

After the last massive efforts it was cool down jog back to base, where a night out was planned for June and Samuel and I discussed the power of the positive possey when it came to hatching motivation to run (even when you didn't feel like it!)

In the not so distant galaxy of Brent.... some serious Good vibes and Pow Pow was had all round. We did indeed feel the force and with my crew of awesome Stars, we launched motivation-War on all of our leg muscles and still came home with smiles and laughter. No Jedi mind-tricks, just that special dose of GG Brent!

See you next time!!!


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Care for a Kitchen that cares for the Community!
🗓Monday 10th March 7:00pm

It will make for a more sanitary and enjoyable space for cooking volunteers to cook up the weekly community meal

Tabitha Skinner
One GoodGymer is going