Saturday 10th December 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Claire Potter
The day got of to a chilly start, but I soon warmed up with 5 laps of Highbury Fields with parkrun, followed by a short walk over to Merry-Go-Round Islington's storage space. There I met fellow GoodGymer Alison and Julia from Merry-Go-Round, who explained how we could help out for the morning. Merry-Go-Round Islington is a charity that collects donations of childrens' clothing and shoes and ensures that they go to families that will benefit from them, both in Islington and across London. Having recently moved to a new storage space, Julia requested assistance transferring donations into new storage crates that would better stack in their new home. We managed to work through a lot of boxes, which when emptied and stacked were almost the same height as we are! This was a perfect indoor task for a cold day and we hope to be able to come back and help with sorting donations again soon.
We collect donations of pre-loved children’s clothes, shoes and books that we then gift for free to families in need
See moreIslington
Saturday morning drop-in community gardening session in Newington Green