A tree-mendous effort

6 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
George Rennison
Sam Lefevre
Laura Williams
Nina Jhatakia
Anna Myat
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Tower Hamlets

Monday 10th October 2022

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre


Laura Williams
Laura Williams




Nina Jhatakia
Nina Jhatakia


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Report written by Laura Williams

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6 GoodGymers gathered at the Town Hall Hotel this evening for our leafleting task.

Meeting Trees for Streets Project Director Simeon, we were well and truly briefed on tonight's task: posting letters in residential areas for the charity's tree-sponsorship scheme.

Why were we doing this?

Trees for Streets is a not-for-profit enterprise, set up by the charity Trees for Cities. Writes Trees for Streets, "According to Natural England, for every £1 spent on trees, the UK saves £7 in healthcare, energy and environmental costs. Trees help nature regain a footing across our built environments – creating natural connections.These trees also make us feel better. They are proven to improve our physical and mental well-being."

Our previous leafleting activity with Trees for Streets proved a resounding success (lots of GoodGymers to leaflet; residents signing up for the scheme the same night...), so we were keen to repeat.

Some brilliant planning.

After Simeon sat us down with fantastic maps, complete with highlighted streets and areas drawn up for our two different groups, we made our way out to the front of the hotel for the briefest of warm-ups and a little more info on what we were doing this evening.

Then, our small group, led by Southwark Area Activator, Sam, sped along Old Ford Road to the Crown Pub, where we divided into two groups. One group focused on the Roman Road area, while the other group led by Sam, proceeded to head towards the Tredegar Road area, on a slightly longer run.

50 minutes of leafleting passed in a flash. We commented on what a surprisingly physical task it is, by the time you've sped up and down streets and steps multiple times.

500 fantastic good deeds

Both teams met at the Grove Road junction to say our final farewells for the night, but not before congratulating our Anna again on her 500th good deed.

Anna has been GoodGyming for nine years, since October 2013, and has now clocked up 500 good deeds, including many, many Coach Runs.

Until next time

And so we headed our separate ways, glad to have got the week off to such a good start.

Until next time.

This task supported
Tower Hamlets Trees for Streets
Trees for Streets is the new charity National Street Trees Sponsorship Scheme.

Trees for Streets aims to make it easy for residents to donate to the planting and watering of trees in their streets and neighbourhoods. We host sponsorship schemes on our platform on behalf of local councils.

See more

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Tower Hamlets

The Felix Project Poplar: Saturday morning volunteering session
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

Come and be a part of the early bird shift at this sociable task!

RhiaGemma PatersonLobo
3 GoodGymers are going