Licence to Drill

16 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
Bryon Chan
Nina Jhatakia
Chris Burns
Clair Sim
Removed User
Laura Williams
Removed User
Izzy Ashford
Jack Ashcroft
Paul Webb
Liz Baxter
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Tower Hamlets

Monday 20th August 2018



Laura Williams
Laura Williams





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Report written by Laura Williams

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A good-sized group on another balmy August evening

16 of us headed out this evening in a last minute task-change to Weaver's Adventure Playground, a short run away.

Jobs aplenty

On arrival, task owner Alex had quite a list of jobs for us to get involved with, from constructing tables from previously discarded furniture, to measuring, matching and sorting large planks of wood along with a variety of painting tasks.

The teams were soon dispatched to all four corners of the playground and, as usual, were soon getting stuck in. It soon became apparent one of the toughest aspects of the task was going to be seeing and freeing large nails firmly lodged into wood. Alex quickly came to the rescue with a crowbar crash course and Gabrielle wasted no time in showing a particularly stubborn nail who was boss.

The team worked quickly and effectively, exchanging drills for saws, as they motored through the large wood piles, with the painting crew barely stopping, other than pausing for a brief colour consultation.

Before we knew it, we were out of time and posing for our final pics before saying cheerio to Alex.

I feel the need, the need for speed

And so we headed to Weavers Fields to begin our speed session of the day. Brilliantly led by Chris, and speedily paced by both Bryon and Chris, the running task tonight was 400m intervals. This was broken up into 2 x 200m spurts: the first 200m at “your 7/10 pace” and the second 200m at “your 9/10” pace. The team sped through a total of three of these sprints – no mean feat as the temperature was hitting 26 degrees again – and we enjoyed some active recovery with our Ab Attack session, in between each lap.

We then sped back to base before heading to the pub for a quick drink.

Shout-outs galore

Great big thanks and massive well done to Chris and Bryon for leading the speed session again, and to Chris for distance-calculating and lap counting. Great back-marking this week from Becky and full credit goes solely to Clare for this week’s wicked pun.

And it really was very lovely to have Sam from Hackney join us tonight, and Nina from Islington back again. What a treat – please come again soon.

Next week: a Bank Holiday bonanza...

Next week, we’re set for a two-task Bank Holiday bonanza, when we’ll be finishing this week’s work at Weavers, as well as meeting our friends at Meath Gardens for more summer gardening and tree-watering from the canal, followed by a flexibility masterclass to keep those injuries at bay. Not one to miss, so sign up here.

This task supported
Weavers Adventure Playground
A play space and community centre that’s played an essential role in the health and wellbeing of thousands of children since 1974.

Weavers Adventure Playground (Weavers) is a play space and community centre tucked away in the north east corner of Weavers Fields in Bethnal Green. Weavers has been a pillar of the community, playing an essential role in the health and wellbeing of thousands of children since its foundation in 1974.

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Tower Hamlets

Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot
🗓Saturday 9:30am

Come and make spend a sociable couple of hours with the team at Felix!

Amy Boland
One GoodGymer is going