Monday 13th February 2023
Report written by Tom Mutton
A FANTASTIC FOUR set out from The Showroom cinema on a February evening to lend a picking hand or four to Karen of the Pitsmoor pickers who do a fantastic job battling the littering that blights the area.
It was fantastic to welcome Jasmine who is new to Sheffield and goodgym, we had some really nice chats about cats, dog dating and violins! Give Jasmine a follow and ask her about any of these when you meet her! Sounds like she's pretty good on the violin!
It was also great to welcome back Rachel who has been away for a wee while in the Netherlands. We had some good chats about cycle infrastructure, screen printing and making houses more efficient. Hope to see both of you back again in the future.
Meeting outside the Vestry Hall we got pickers and bags and got straight to work, filling our bags up with all kinds of litter on the surrounding street and collecting up larger items to carry to a nearby bin at the end of the session.
Although a constant task in the area, it was appreciated by passer by's and hopefully the visual presence of people picking up litter will make others think twice before dropping theirs.
Until next time, happy running :)
We litter pick in our spare time to keep the streets looking cleaner and safer for wildlife and pets, we also report flytipping. Some of us also work full time.
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