Run for the Maze Hills!

14 Goodgymers helped their local community in Greenwich
Amy Boalch
Vickie Burns
Steve Murtough
Sarah Place
Ben Cooper
Andy Waterhouse
Laura Jenks
Claire Oxlade
Natalie Tremlett
Jonny Knight
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Wednesday 28th November 2018

Sarah Place
Sarah Place




Greenwich runner


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Report written by Sarah Place

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14 awesome runners ran 3km to plant bulbs at Maze Hill station!

We are usually blessed with perfect weather on Wednesday evenings in Greenwich but last night was a bit on the soggy side! Good job you lot aren't fair weather runners eh!

We had two new runners join us on our wet and wild adventure! Welcome Emma and Stewart!! Hope you both enjoyed the run despite the conditions!

After a little mishap with our room and non existent security guard, everyone got a bunch of squats in to finish off the monthly challenge, we were a bit short of time so we skipped the warm up and jogged straight to the task. You were all warm from the squats anyway!

A few minutes later we arrived at Maze Hill and were greeted by the whole crew whom you may have recognised from previous tasks! The gardens at Maze Hill are all managed and looked after by volunteers. When Helena first started looking after it she had a group of 30 volunteers and now it is just a small handful so all the work that was done last night was hugely appreciated!

There were lots of jobs to do and everyone got stuck in! We had one group clearing an area for hundreds of bulbs to be planted. Andy was on litter picking duty and boy did he have his work cut out! There was SOOOOO much stuff. SO many cans, it was truly awful! But after a few minutes it was all under control and two bin bags were full! We also had another group at the other end of the station clearing an area for some shrubs and herbs from Helena's garden to be planted. There was a lovely smelling rosemary bush and also a curry plant and my hands as I'm writing this STILL smell of curry! And yes I have washed them before you ask!

After half an hour the place was looking fab! Thankfully the rain held off for the duration of the task meaning we got loads done! AMAZING!

We cleared up and said our goodbyes to head off for some hill repeats up Maze Hill to finish off the session. Hills are things that we as runners often avoid because they are painful and unpleasant BUT they benefit your running so much! Running hills strengthens the legs, improves running form and efficiency as well as your general aerobic fitness so don't shy away from them! And we are so lucky having Greenwich Park near us which is full of 'em! So get your hill repeats in people!

After a few times up and down, we headed back to the uni for a stretch and called it a night!

Great work everyone! You got so much done and Helena and the team were so impressed with all your hard work! See you next week!

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Darryl Chamberlain

Thu 29th Nov 2018 at 2:35pm

Nice work, sorry I couldn't make it!

Join us on our next session


Volunteering at Charlton Parkrun
🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

Start your Saturday in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!

VicCecilia D🍀JC
3 GoodGymers are going