Leaf it out

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Beth Hoskins
Helena Waters
Jo Swift
1 / 4

Wednesday 16th November 2016

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4 runners brave the elements to create piles of leaves and clear the entrance to Warwick Park Gardens.

If you don't recall Wednesday 16th November 2016, let me remind you... we started with the wet air, ya'know, that fine drizzly stuff that doesn't look like much but soaks you through. Then as the sun rose, it became a beautiful, mild autumn day - gorgeous skies, birds singing, children laughing. By mid-afternoon, we'd been lulled into a sense of security

the wet weather has passed, time to bask in the glory of nature...

Not so, my friends... the clouds rolled back in like the Dementors from Harry Potter had arrived... then the rains joined in like something biblical was happening.

We turned up to Old Spike Roastery like normal, hoping that the rain wouldn't be a deterrent, we were still going to run regardless... but it didn't appear to be ceasing.

1900 approached and our small, but perfectly formed fantastic four got ready to brave the elements.

As if by GoodGym magic, the rain eased off

The weather gods were kind for about 30 minutes - we warmed up and assured Lefke who was running with us for the first time that we would run together without going crazy. Our main aim was to stay warm (and also dissect the final episode of 'Married at First Sight')

We were clearing leaves and rubbish from the entrance to Warwick Park Gardens - a lovely bit of green behind Peckham Rye station where we regularly run through. There are a couple of kids playground areas as well so it's a brilliant space in the heart of the Southwark community. Clearing it a bit from the insane amount of leaves on the ground would be a pleasure... rain or starry skies.

With Helena and Beth on one side of the entrance and Jo and Lefke on the other, we soon created mountains of leaves.

Despite the backbreaking work and the heavens opening again, we made quick work of leaf clearing.

Soon it was time for a quick running drill - 3 sprints up to the lamppost and back, 2 sprints and 1 sprint... can you stop on a downward slope in the rain? These ladies made it look like a piece of cake and we set off on a recovery jog back to the Old Spike Roastery.

What an evening.

Next week, we're doing some gardening for Grove Park Allotments... fingers crossed for a dry night, but we'll make it fun anyway! Join Us

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🗓Today 12:30pm

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

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