Planting the Unpronounceable

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Richmond
Chris Bowles
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Wednesday 30th June 2021





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Report written by Anita (she/her)

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A Wednesday evening gardening mission in Beuccleuch Gardens, Richmond with Chris, Naomi and Anita, planting out lots of small plants grown from seed, with some weeding and watering as we worked.

At The Arcade Rockery, we planted out swathes of small, seed grown plants, marking the areas with small sticks to try and deter people from walking over the Rockery. They also serve to identify where we need to focus our watering to help the new plants get established.

  1. Heuchera Americana ‘Emperors Cloak’ Coral Bells.

  2. Aubretia Hybrids Mix

  3. Agastache ‘fragrant ‘ mixed (Hummingbird mint)

At The Three Pigeons we planted more Aubretia Hybrids mix and Agastache aurantiaca ‘fragrant mixed’ to try and fill a few gaps along the edge facing the River.

None of us knew how to say ’Agastache’ so it was referred to as ‘the plant we can’t pronounce’. According to, we are not the only ones to struggling with our elocution: “ Even the experts, however, are divided on how to say it. Some pronounce it ag-ah-STAH-chee, others ag-ah-STACH. Others insist it is ah-GAST-a-key. Some varieties are commonly called Mexican or giant hyssop, but others are called hummingbird mint.”

There will be no Three Pigeons or Arcade Rockery Group Missions for a few weeks but If you can spare a bit of time for watering or weeding, please do sign up for the weekly ‘anytime sessions’ and drop by whenever suits you. If their is no rain, watering the new pants to help them get established will be essential.

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Helping the Happy Ham Landers
🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve

Adam Stephens
6 GoodGymers are going