Monday 16th October 2023
Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
This time of the year things do feel a little different with the darkness setting in earlier and earlier, but at least the Baby Bank is a familiar cornerstone.
Linda kindly led the walking group with Helen, while the rest got themselves sorted and waited for some potential latecomers before setting off to chase the walkers, with Becca telling James & me about the adventures of her first half marathon - give her some cheers!
Reunited at the Cornerstone church we found a different member waiting for us with bags of donations to be sorted. As a well oiled machine we set to work, much to babybanks Helens relieve since it was her first time at an evening like this.
Bags of donations sorted, piles packed away and water glasses washed & put away, it was time to make our way back to Wanstead, job done.
Next time, 30/10, we hope to go to a new task, helping tidy up a sensory garden - details tbc.