Crate Expectations

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Newcastle
Kate Lees
Charlotte Siddall
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Thursday 18th February 2021

Newcastle runner


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Report written by Newcastle runner

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It was a crate session at the East End Women’s foodbank task today. Charlotte, Kate and I joined forces with staff members Sarah and Fiona to make short work of the tasks. Fiona had been super organised and had all the bags already organised so we could quickly load them into the drivers’ cars as they arrived. Kate and Charlotte chipped away at a huge pile of cardboard packaging, clearing it into the recycling bins while I cr’ated more work for them by unpacking more boxes and organising food into crates - they were lined up like the crate wall of China! The card was carted away and the crates were neatly stacked. We finished off by re-stocking the shelves ready for more bags to be packed next week - emptying crates so we could unpack more boxes, refill the crates and create a new cardboard pile! I reckon we did a crate job! Will we be back next week? I have crate expectations!

This task supported
East End Women
A project supporting women with skills and training, education, loneliness and domestic abuse recovery.

East End Women offers practical courses for women to build confidence and skills around DIY, sewing, pattern cutting and basic trades. We also deliver the Freedom Programme domestic abuse recovery course, helping women to better understand the roots of domestic abuse and build confidence to identify warning signs in the future. In addition to this, East End Women also offer social activities and drop-in sessions for women experiencing isolation to meet one another, make friends and build local networks.

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