
Group run

15K? No way! But it's what Bristol in-ten-did because where there's a Will there's a way

52 GoodGymers made their way 5.6km to help the Youth Moves Urban Escape, BS3 Community, and Children's Scrapstore Bristol in Bristol.

  • Bristol runner
  • Bristol runner
  • Nick Baker
  • Bristol runner
  • Bristol runner
  • Danica Priest
  • Bristol runner
  • Sioned Haughton
  • Lisa Elliott
  • Richard Breakspear
  • Darren
  • Bristol runner
  • Melanie Young
  • Shona Buchanan
  • Bristol runner
  • Bristol runner
  • Alice Dalrymple
  • Shreena Parmar
  • Alexis Wiseman
  • Jenny Chak
  • Liam Scott
  • Tim
  • VaguelyNorthernDarren
  • Anna Tattersall
  • Bristol runner
  • Katie Walsh
  • Sarah Young
  • Laura Spencer
  • Zdeni Cervena
  • Russ Cahill
  • Freddie
  • Lee Jones
  • Clem Teagle
  • Roz Glover
  • David Berrisford
  • Bromley runner
  • Toby Gallagher
  • Simon Freakley
  • Bristol runner
  • Paulina Dubiel
  • Simon
  • Andrea Jonat
  • Martha Price
  • Dean Slocock
  • Joe Moggridge
  • Jade Cahill
  • Hannah Swinburne
  • Abby Gaya
  • Bristol runner
  • Rabeb (BiBi)
  • Jim Shay
  • Maddy Weight
Tuesday, 17th of September 2019
Led by Shona Buchanan

Three Tasks, 56 GoodGymers, 15,000 Good Deeds, 10 years of GoodGym and a 200th Good Deed 😲

What a mammoth session we had ahead of us tonight! It was great to be joined by Maddy for the first time - welcome Maddy! After a game of Shona Says (which everyone is getting far too good at), we split into our three groups to get started on our three tasks and mini-tasks we had ahead of us to celebrate. Not only did each group have to complete their task, they had to try and take a creative photo of 15,000 while they were at it and think of a pun which somehow included 15,000 deeds, ten years and Richard's achievements.

Mel's group did a walk/run session to The Southville Centre to give the paintwork a final push to finish it off just in time for the change of seasons. They are now the proud owners of newly protected wooden features as well as painted bathrooms. Great job team!

Richard B took his group to Easton and St Werburgh's to help The Children's Scrapstore advertise their upcoming Community Reuse Festival on the 28th-29th September. They managed to hand out a whopping 350 leaflets in the local area in just 30 minutes.

Atrenchion please

The rest of the group headed up the hill to help Youth Moves at their allotment. This local charity engages young people from the city in community projects, including their allotment. We joined the young people in digging the ground around the polytunnel ready to build a trench to fix the tunnel and to cut back a very overgrown area. It was all hands on deck to get as much as possible done in our 30 minutes, and we managed to make a big dent in it. Matt also spent a long time being the artistic director behind the 15,000 photo, so please do show it sufficient appreciation.

All's Will that ends Will

Once we had all admired the sunset from our respective parts of Bristol, we reconvened at Queen Square to take on 15,000 squats. I think everyone regretted being quite so good over the past few years at this point! 277 squats each (don't do the maths) and we were all very much ready for a sit-down. Luckily, we were getting to co-ordinate all of this squatting with the brilliant achievement of Richard (Will) Breakspear achieving his 200th Good Deed!! Well done Richard, what an amazing number, the last 100 of which he has done in just 14 months! He is also now the proud owner of a t-shirt with him in the 17th Century on it.

This also produced the wonderful news that there was double cake for everyone to have a good sit down and munch while we read the GoodGym stories and spotted several Bristol names and faces in the book.

What a great night of celebration, which will be continued with Super Saturday!

Thanks to Russ who won tonight's three subjects, one pun competition. I am looking forward to your answer on the other competition of how many prime numbers in 15,000

Report written by Shona Buchanan

Discuss this report

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 05:39

There are 1,754 primes less than or equal to 15,000.

Melanie Young
Melanie Young
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 07:31

I suspect they’re all less than 15,000 ;-)

Shona Buchanan
Shona Buchanan
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 08:20

I’m very impressed Matt!

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 11:57

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
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353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
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547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601
607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659
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1153 1163 1171 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223
1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291
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1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451
1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511
1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583
1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657
1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733
1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811
1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889
1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987
1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053
2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 2111 2113 2129
2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213
2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287
2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357
2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423
2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531
2539 2543 2549 2551 2557 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617
2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687
2689 2693 2699 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 2741
2749 2753 2767 2777 2789 2791 2797 2801 2803 2819
2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903
2909 2917 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999
3001 3011 3019 3023 3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079
3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181
3187 3191 3203 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257
3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331
3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413
3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 3511
3517 3527 3529 3533 3539 3541 3547 3557 3559 3571
3581 3583 3593 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 3643
3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3727
3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821
3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907
3911 3917 3919 3923 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989
4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057
4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139
4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231
4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297
4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409
4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493
4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583
4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657
4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751
4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831
4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937
4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003
5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087
5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179
5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279
5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387
5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 5431 5437 5441 5443
5449 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521
5527 5531 5557 5563 5569 5573 5581 5591 5623 5639
5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693
5701 5711 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 5791
5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857
5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939
5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053
6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133
6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221
6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301
6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367
6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 6449 6451 6469 6473
6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571
6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673
6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761
6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803 6823 6827 6829 6833
6841 6857 6863 6869 6871 6883 6899 6907 6911 6917
6947 6949 6959 6961 6967 6971 6977 6983 6991 6997
7001 7013 7019 7027 7039 7043 7057 7069 7079 7103
7109 7121 7127 7129 7151 7159 7177 7187 7193 7207
7211 7213 7219 7229 7237 7243 7247 7253 7283 7297
7307 7309 7321 7331 7333 7349 7351 7369 7393 7411
7417 7433 7451 7457 7459 7477 7481 7487 7489 7499
7507 7517 7523 7529 7537 7541 7547 7549 7559 7561
7573 7577 7583 7589 7591 7603 7607 7621 7639 7643
7649 7669 7673 7681 7687 7691 7699 7703 7717 7723
7727 7741 7753 7757 7759 7789 7793 7817 7823 7829
7841 7853 7867 7873 7877 7879 7883 7901 7907 7919
7927 7933 7937 7949 7951 7963 7993 8009 8011 8017
8039 8053 8059 8069 8081 8087 8089 8093 8101 8111
8117 8123 8147 8161 8167 8171 8179 8191 8209 8219
8221 8231 8233 8237 8243 8263 8269 8273 8287 8291
8293 8297 8311 8317 8329 8353 8363 8369 8377 8387
8389 8419 8423 8429 8431 8443 8447 8461 8467 8501
8513 8521 8527 8537 8539 8543 8563 8573 8581 8597
8599 8609 8623 8627 8629 8641 8647 8663 8669 8677
8681 8689 8693 8699 8707 8713 8719 8731 8737 8741
8747 8753 8761 8779 8783 8803 8807 8819 8821 8831
8837 8839 8849 8861 8863 8867 8887 8893 8923 8929
8933 8941 8951 8963 8969 8971 8999 9001 9007 9011
9013 9029 9041 9043 9049 9059 9067 9091 9103 9109
9127 9133 9137 9151 9157 9161 9173 9181 9187 9199
9203 9209 9221 9227 9239 9241 9257 9277 9281 9283
9293 9311 9319 9323 9337 9341 9343 9349 9371 9377
9391 9397 9403 9413 9419 9421 9431 9433 9437 9439
9461 9463 9467 9473 9479 9491 9497 9511 9521 9533
9539 9547 9551 9587 9601 9613 9619 9623 9629 9631
9643 9649 9661 9677 9679 9689 9697 9719 9721 9733
9739 9743 9749 9767 9769 9781 9787 9791 9803 9811
9817 9829 9833 9839 9851 9857 9859 9871 9883 9887
9901 9907 9923 9929 9931 9941 9949 9967 9973 10007
10009 10037 10039 10061 10067 10069 10079 10091 10093 10099
10103 10111 10133 10139 10141 10151 10159 10163 10169 10177
10181 10193 10211 10223 10243 10247 10253 10259 10267 10271
10273 10289 10301 10303 10313 10321 10331 10333 10337 10343
10357 10369 10391 10399 10427 10429 10433 10453 10457 10459
10463 10477 10487 10499 10501 10513 10529 10531 10559 10567
10589 10597 10601 10607 10613 10627 10631 10639 10651 10657
10663 10667 10687 10691 10709 10711 10723 10729 10733 10739
10753 10771 10781 10789 10799 10831 10837 10847 10853 10859
10861 10867 10883 10889 10891 10903 10909 10937 10939 10949
10957 10973 10979 10987 10993 11003 11027 11047 11057 11059
11069 11071 11083 11087 11093 11113 11117 11119 11131 11149
11159 11161 11171 11173 11177 11197 11213 11239 11243 11251
11257 11261 11273 11279 11287 11299 11311 11317 11321 11329
11351 11353 11369 11383 11393 11399 11411 11423 11437 11443
11447 11467 11471 11483 11489 11491 11497 11503 11519 11527
11549 11551 11579 11587 11593 11597 11617 11621 11633 11657
11677 11681 11689 11699 11701 11717 11719 11731 11743 11777
11779 11783 11789 11801 11807 11813 11821 11827 11831 11833
11839 11863 11867 11887 11897 11903 11909 11923 11927 11933
11939 11941 11953 11959 11969 11971 11981 11987 12007 12011
12037 12041 12043 12049 12071 12073 12097 12101 12107 12109
12113 12119 12143 12149 12157 12161 12163 12197 12203 12211
12227 12239 12241 12251 12253 12263 12269 12277 12281 12289
12301 12323 12329 12343 12347 12373 12377 12379 12391 12401
12409 12413 12421 12433 12437 12451 12457 12473 12479 12487
12491 12497 12503 12511 12517 12527 12539 12541 12547 12553
12569 12577 12583 12589 12601 12611 12613 12619 12637 12641
12647 12653 12659 12671 12689 12697 12703 12713 12721 12739
12743 12757 12763 12781 12791 12799 12809 12821 12823 12829
12841 12853 12889 12893 12899 12907 12911 12917 12919 12923
12941 12953 12959 12967 12973 12979 12983 13001 13003 13007
13009 13033 13037 13043 13049 13063 13093 13099 13103 13109
13121 13127 13147 13151 13159 13163 13171 13177 13183 13187
13217 13219 13229 13241 13249 13259 13267 13291 13297 13309
13313 13327 13331 13337 13339 13367 13381 13397 13399 13411
13417 13421 13441 13451 13457 13463 13469 13477 13487 13499
13513 13523 13537 13553 13567 13577 13591 13597 13613 13619
13627 13633 13649 13669 13679 13681 13687 13691 13693 13697
13709 13711 13721 13723 13729 13751 13757 13759 13763 13781
13789 13799 13807 13829 13831 13841 13859 13873 13877 13879
13883 13901 13903 13907 13913 13921 13931 13933 13963 13967
13997 13999 14009 14011 14029 14033 14051 14057 14071 14081
14083 14087 14107 14143 14149 14153 14159 14173 14177 14197
14207 14221 14243 14249 14251 14281 14293 14303 14321 14323
14327 14341 14347 14369 14387 14389 14401 14407 14411 14419
14423 14431 14437 14447 14449 14461 14479 14489 14503 14519
14533 14537 14543 14549 14551 14557 14561 14563 14591 14593
14621 14627 14629 14633 14639 14653 14657 14669 14683 14699
14713 14717 14723 14731 14737 14741 14747 14753 14759 14767
14771 14779 14783 14797 14813 14821 14827 14831 14843 14851
14867 14869 14879 14887 14891 14897 14923 14929 14939 14947
14951 14957 14969 14983

Shona Buchanan
Shona Buchanan
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 14:01

Absolutely amazing 😂 no computers used I assume?!

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 17:30

Stayed up all night! 👀

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Shona Buchanan
Led by Shona Buchanan

Continually running for that finishing slice of cake.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Bristol runner
    • Richard Breakspear
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Bristol runner
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Melanie Young

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Group Run - 24 Sep - Emmaus, do they know it’s Christmas?

Tuesday 18:20 - 20:05
Led by Melanie Young

GG Corner of Queen Square

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