All for a grate cause

16 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Liv Parker-Scott
Alex Schatz
Jenni H
Stephanie Hall
Tash Singh
Mike C
Shan Rahulan
Darren Hickey
Leandra Cardozo
Rachel Martin
1 / 15

Tuesday 20th August 2019

Liv Parker-Scott
Liv Parker-Scott




Jenni H
Jenni H


Shan Rahulan
Shan Rahulan


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Report written by Liv Parker-Scott

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Tonight we once again ran the long 10km to Acton to continue to support Old Oak Community and Children's Centre with their fight to get the garden space revamped and also stepped in to help with some food prep ahead of their community BBQ tomorrow night.

We had 16 of us out tonight including Alex who despite hitting 100 good deeds isn't resting on her laurels and came straight back this week to start totting up the good deeds towards the next big milestone! We had the lovely Tash back with us after starting with GoodGym a couple of years ago, that's the great thing whether you come once a week or once a year, you've still made a huge difference and we always having you no matter how often you can make it!

After some quick introductions getting to know your fellow runners through some Mexican wave squats (yes, that's a thing!) we set off on what was a lovely evening for a run, bright and sunny but not too warm, perfect weather!

Our help is grately appreciated!

At the centre we were met by Elly who always has lots of great tasks for us to help with. These small tasks between 16 of us on one evening save her and the team lots of time and resources so well done team! Tonight we split into two groups, one outside continuing to weed and clear the garden space and one group inside doing some food prep for their community event. Tash definitely helped speed the grating process along and utilised her food technology experience to pump up the indoor team to complete the task at hand.

Meanwhile outside the garden was really taking shape and the before and after was really clear to see! Loads more crates of garden waste removed and a clean sweep for the playground, cracking effort all round!

After that it was just a case of getting the 5km back under our belts, well done to everyone who pushed themselves tonight on the distance. 10km is a long way and everyone got it done! After some stretches back at base we were done!

See you all next time!

This task supported
Bubble & Squeak Eat
Are these kids the youngest food waste warriors in the UK?

A group of entrepreneurial children from West London are fighting food waste by selling surplus food in the school playground and to the local community. The initiative is led by 400 children aged 5 to 12 year olds from Old Oak Primary School & Old Oak Community Centre in East Acton.

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