
Group run

Band Theft Auto

12 GoodGymers made their way 3.2km to help their local community in Haringey.

  • Sarah Moore
  • Alex Cameron-Smith
  • Euclides Montes
  • John Shirley
  • Bromley runner
  • Niamh Ni Longain
  • Latoya Stephens
  • Nurjehan
  • Haringey runner
  • Charlie Linton
  • Haringey runner
  • Steven Murnane
Wednesday, 29th of June 2022
Led by Euclides Montes

The word Karaoke might be Japanese for empty orchestra but there certainly wasn't anything empty about this virtuoso performance from our GGH merry band as they serenaded the grounds of Finsbury Park for an evening of litter picking, mulching, off-road driving, and plenty of Big Tunes™!

Nobody puts Steven in the corner 

Kudos and pats on the back for Steven, who joined us for his first live performance with GGH and avoided getting stage fright on the night by bringing on the Big Tunes. Hope to see you again soon!

Singalong interlude - Finsbury PARKLIFE play me

*Doing good and getting fit is a preference for the habitual volunteer

Of what is known as


And endless #bantz can be assured

If you take a route straight through what is known as


John's got an intervals' loop

Neil gets animated by the dirty hedges

Niamh CNDs it innit


And Gramps, the gut lord marching

hijacks the Fisnbo Friends buggy, drives down the fields,

Everybody and their aunt start praying.

All the people

So many people

And they all go hand-in-hand

Hand-in-hand through their parklife

Know what I mean?

I get up when I want

Except on Wednesdays

When I get rudely awakened by Gramps 


I put my GG t-shirt on, have a cup of tea

And I think about leaving the house


I do a litter pick, I sometimes do some mulching too

It gives me a sense of enormous well-being


And then I'm happy for the rest of the day

Safe in the knowledge there will always be

A bit of my heart devoted to Haringey.

All the people

So many people

And they all go hand-in-hand

Hand-in-hand through their parklife*

Our goodgymmers attacked this brand new task with gusto and brio. Rikard, from the Friends of Finsbury Park welcomed us with a friendly smile, plenty of litter pickers, and buggy-full of mulch. Gramps got a tad over-excited about the buggy but we'll park that one here for now.

We divided ourselves into two sub-teams: the litter-mother-pickers and the mulchies.

We then spent 45 minutes doing what we do - and do it we did, reader. Do it we did.

Before you could say* 'is it time for our social yet?*' we had finished for the day and Gramps might or might have not commandeered the buggy (necessary background here being that Gramps at the ripe age of nearly 40 has never been behind the wheel of a car and doesn't know his breaks from his car horns). Aaaaaanyway, our lawyers advise us that we should point out at this stage that no person or animal was harmed in the making of this paragraph.

We ended the session with a few rounds of sprint spin the bottle, taking full advantage of one of the hills at Finsbury Park.

And off we went to world-famous Rowans for some karaoke, bowling, and shenanigans. Most of the stuff that came afterwards, it's mostly unprintable. But t'was fun!

Join next week for some more fun at the library!

Mic drop!

Report written by Euclides Montes

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Thursday June 30th, 2022 13:07

Happy 3rd anniversary as our Area Activator Euclides (Gramps) Montes. Good Gym Haringey have been blessed to have such a loony tune in our lives. In the words of Tina Turner "You're simply the best".

Bromley runner
Bromley runner
Thursday June 30th, 2022 18:33

Greatest ever run report!

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Euclides Montes
Led by Euclides Montes

Goodgym Haringey AA. Shorts/T-shirt evangelist. Burpee agnostic. Funtimes believer.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Sarah Moore

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Walking and Talking in Russell Park and Belmont Rec

Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30
Led by Euclides Montes
Russell's Hub

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