Thursday 25th May 2023
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Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Gillian, Jess and Sheila returned to All Saints School to continue where the team had left off on Monday. The soil to fill the planters had now been delivered. So we set to work, shovelling the earth into a wheelbarrow, and transporting it from the front of the school to the planters at the back . It was a good work-out, with Sheila and Gillian enjoying the shovelling and Jess proved to be a dab-hand at tipping up the wheelbarrow to empty it's contents. Meannwhile some of the children in the Gardening Club were planting some marigolds and lemon balm. Once we had filled the planters, and the children had gone home, the taskowner was keen to plant up the beds with the plants which were waiting to go in, before the start of half term. We planted beans, onions, garlic, sunflowers, sweetpeas, marigolds, calendula, tomatoes and pumpkins. After watering them well, we crossed our fingers that they would survive over the half-term break, and made our way home. Well done everyone for coming together to help out at such short notice
Fri 26th May 2023 at 6:32pm
Sounds like you had a very productive time - great work! 🤩
Windsor and Maidenhead
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