
1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Islington
Steve Lee

Saturday 20th March 2021

Steve Lee
Steve Lee


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Report written by Steve Lee

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This week’s vaccination centre volunteering role was outside on a lovely crisp day, affording me plenty of time to stretch and drill my way to recovery while directing traffic and patients in the car park. I also got to wield a walkie talkie, which never loses its novelty.

The vaccination centre follows a really good principle of rotating volunteers so that they get a sense of each of the other volunteer roles and stations, to understand and empathise better with how the transitions and hand-offs work between each stage. This helps make the experience more seamless for people flowing through the vaccine process. Curve balls inevitable come along every now and then, but there is a great deal of competency and enthusiasm, and a helping spirit that keeps things moving.

Just like GoodGym, there’s a great deal of meaning to be found in contributing to something larger than each of us. Thankfully, things are moving in the right direction with the news today that half of UK adults have had at least one dose. Stay well everyone! We're getting there!

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🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

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