Court Order

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Hackney
Latoya Stephens

Monday 10th August 2020

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Report written by Latoya Stephens

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I had a lovely walk to Ms F from Islington to Hackney. It might have been the straightest 1.3 miles I've ever done.

When I got there it was kind of difficult to find which Court I was looking for. I decided to walk around each building and just look for its name (which wasn't very visible from the side I was on) as good old Google said I was standing where I need to be.

I found the door and was buzzed in by the lovely Ms F who was very grateful for the shopping even though I couldn't get couple things.

We had a little chatter in the corridor before we said our goodbyes.

Ms F told me where to walk to get back but I'd already decided where I was gonna walk when I was on my way there and saw a lovely canal.

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