Wednesday 27th May 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Bournemouth runner
There weren't many of us yesterday evening but there were a lot of numbers....
Our fitness challenge this week was a Zoom stay at home fitness workout. We set up as a circuit, each person having to pick two of their "favourite" exercises, once picked and having heard the others, we weren't allowed to change our selection...
...which meant we had a double dose of lunges and jumping jacks with some push ups, squats and mountain climbers thrown in the mix.
To figure out how many of each we were going to do, we were letting the dice/die decide! Two dice each, or a phone app if we couldn't get our hands on any. For the first round the rules were easy, your exercise, you roll both dice/die we do that many reps. Having done been round twice to do both exercises, we had a rest and decided if anyone wanted to stick of twist with any exercises.
Neil changed from nice squats, to split jumps....great...his other exercise was a burpee with a frog squat at the end...also a lovely exercise! John exercised his right to change and swapped his jumping jacks for hip tap planks and everyone else were happy to stick.
Round two had same principle, only this time if we rolled doubles, we did that amount but had to roll again and add the amount to the total...
Round three we kept the double rule and added the even number rule...roll an even number means you roll again and add them yeah, the last round was extra tough....I think we hit a total of 27 or so for either the split jumps or the frog burpees....I can't brain has tried to block the memory!
Well done everyone! Good luck to John as he plans to do a 100mile indoor cycle this weekend...27 split jumps or frog burpees don't sound so bad now!
Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!
Good fun with good friends