Dig it, load it, move it, tip it ... Goodgymologic

6 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
Cara Organ
Jenna Drury
Angela Graham
Michal Czekajlo
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Friday 2nd April 2021

Michal Czekajlo
Michal Czekajlo


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Report written by Michal Czekajlo

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Louise from the Greenfields Garden project welcomed us and outlined what awaited us this evening.

You will all get a go at barrowing compost - Louise

Angela, Max, Cara and Maddy followed Louise to be presented with a wheelbarrow each and start working on a heap of half composted organic matter and a separate mound of soil. Both needed transporting to other areas of the garden.

Meanwhile Michal and Jenna went to flatten out small area within the orchard, ready for potato planting. One of the fruit trees needed moving and Max stepped in to present excellent 'bent your knees, not your back technique’. Another task was to move two steel containers to be used as planters and fill them up with soil. – done in no time!

While all that was happening Cara, Angela and Maddy kept filling their barrows and transporting to designated areas. The half composted twigs, cuttings and weeds were to be arranged in a line by tall grass, near the fence.

The line does not have to be straight - Louise

After one hour of honest spade work and wheelbarrow racing we almost emptied one of the compost bins and transferred about a half of the soil mound.

We will be coming back in the near future to empty other compost bins and start with other jobs around the garden.

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Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going