📣 Good deed in Aisle 5! 📣

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Bristol
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Friday 17th April 2020

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Report written by Bristol runner

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I spent this afternoon doing some shopping for the lovely Ms C, an older person who cannot currently make it to her local supermarket. First I visited her house to pick up a list and £20, before heading to the nearby shops.

Everything was found without too much difficulty, but I had to put back a carton of orange juice which was slightly over the budget. But after that item was removed, the total price conveniently came to exactly £20!

I dropped the remaining items off at Ms C's house and then made my way back home.

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Becs Clarke

Sat 18th Apr 2020 at 12:04pm

Exactly 20! A true GG professional haha

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4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀