GoodGym at the Heart of the matter

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Christopher Lewis
Sarah Hunt
Shona Buchanan
Emma R
Alice Dalrymple
Russ Cahill
Claire Rowbotham
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Sunday 6th January 2019

Shona Buchanan
Shona Buchanan


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Report written by Shona Buchanan

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A group run on a Sunday? It must be January!

7 GoodGymers got out of their beds on the lie-in day of the week to help the British Heart Foundation in Bishopston. After hearing about all of furniture-carting and donation-sorting at the city centre store, the Bishopston crew wanted a bit of the GoodGym action.

We had Claire with us on her first GoodGym run - it was great to have you Claire and we hope to see you again soon!

Once we had got warmed up, the group (with multiple heavy-legged members from the weekend's running) started the plod up the ever-sneakily-uphill Gloucester Road. As we had between Bristol to waking up, the pavements were quiet and we got there in no time.

We were welcomed by the Store Manager, Hazel, who split us into upstairs and downstairs groups. The downstairs team had the job of clearing the the stockroom downstairs to make way for people to move around in and to make the mass of donations easily accessible. Claire, Alice and Russell got stuck in to sorting donations (finding some contenders for weirdest donations along the way...). In just half an hour, the room had gone from box-filled to organised and with so much more room for the BHF team to work in.

Meanwhile, in the Upstairs Team, Chris was busy sizing up small sequiny tops to take home and doing a stellar job of price tagging all the newly donated clothes. Sarah was sorting donations into 'would I buy this' piles and Emma cleared an entire stockroom of hangers to give room to get to the other donations.

A lovely indoor task on a cold January weekend and we can't wait to get back to helping BHF soon!

This task supported

Raising funds to end heart disease.

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀