Saturday 12th March 2022
Report written by James Kyne
The four of us met at Cranbrook Community Centre this Saturday afternoon to lend a hand after their International Women's Day celebrations which had been taking place throughout the day.
After a quick doc check for Kevin and Fiona, we were able to sneak in on the celebrations as Laura led a Pilates session and we were treated to a wonderfully relaxing mindfulness session. Fully topped up with mindful, wholesome energy, we set about looking to lend a hand.
Kevin rejoined us from ably assisting in the community garden and on his ✨ first task ✨ with Goodgym, set about annihilating the washing up with Fiona and myself watching on in wonder. Laura's sweeping soon had the hall gleaming and we were all able to enjoy the company of the wonderful women of Cranbrook who seemed to love having us there (woo!)
Leaving with some daffodils and bowl of chickpea curry, along with the wellness activities earlier on meant that we had some very happy Goodgymmers heading off to enjoy their Saturday evenings.
This award-winning garden was designed and built from a desolate children’s playground nearly 10 years ago. The garden is maintained by residents of the estate and surrounding area, and aims to bring the whole community together to create social cohesion to this corner of Bethnal Green.
See moreTower Hamlets
Join these sociable Saturday sessions to get the weekend off to a fabulous start.