Wednesday 21st September 2022
Report written by Gwyn Williams
After the physical session was cancelled, the cathedral put on a virtual one on Zoom. Tracey and I learned about our sessions to come at the Gaia installation at Cerby Cathedral. It looks amazing! We're looking forward to helping the visitors, Derby Cathedral, Cosy Foundation, the University of Derby, and Derby Feste.
The Cathedral Church of All Saints Derby is a jewel of a building, glittering with life and colour especially when the sun shines through the clear glass windows. There are many fascinating monuments around the walls which tell an unfolding history of a thousand years. As a place of sanctuary and worship, you are invited to visit, and appreciate the calm and space for reflection and prayer. All Saints’ Church was hallowed as a Cathedral in 1927 with the creation of the new Diocese of Derby. Over this time, Derby Cathedral has sought to serve the bishops and parishes of the Diocese, together with all who live and work in the city and county. Everyone is welcomed here.
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