Let's get ready to rubble

32 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
Bryon Chan
Patrick Sinclair
Caroline Hocking
Alison Harvie
Rosanna Whitehead
Justin Cash
Jack Parrott
Sean Correia
Simon Winter
Alex Eggs
Julia Davis
Christie Cheng
Sarah Whittaker-Axon
James Fox
Removed User
Steve Hamshere
Tom Craggs
Rose reynolds
Andreana Sutherland
Andrew Cornick
Angela Crawford
1 / 6
Tower Hamlets

Monday 23rd May 2016

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The good weather clearly brings high spirits as an impressive 32 of us met up at the usual spot. The reguIar runners were delighted to see some new faces, both to Good Gym and to the Tower Hamlets group. To warm up, we set off on a gentle 2.5k jog down to Stepney City Farm where we were greeted by Simon who had plenty of tasks to divvy out. One group set off to shift some hay across the farm, merrilly jogging their wheelbarrows along. Another picked up some pitchforks to aerate a field, while the remaining few turned compost and shifted rubble.

On the way back, we split into three groups. Alison led the first down the canal at a more leisurely pace, Tom took the medium group through Mile End Park for some hilly intervals and Andy steered the final group at a dust lifting speed. We all met up again at base for a final cool-down stretch.


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Tue 24th May 2016 at 7:38am

Awesome fun! Thanks everyone

Join us on our next session

Tower Hamlets

Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

A great start to your weekend!

Jorge VillegasBethanMegan Melville
3 GoodGymers are going