Tuesday 5th April 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Liv Parker-Scott
Tonight a small group met for the first time this year where the task has taken place entirely in the light!
Okay so it’s not summer just yet but we could just feel the long warm evenings sitting in the park after GoodGym just around the corner!
After running a couple of laps of the local parks we got down to business!
As well as being light in the sky, it was light on the ground in terms of litter too. And we love to see it! We split into two groups to cover the perimeter of Walpole park between us and only came up with two half full bags of litter between us and only one particularly strange find of a plastic hand... Hopefully when the evenings get warmer we won’t see an increase of litter alongside it!
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services