Milkshake or break...

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Lambeth

Friday 29th May 2020

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Report written by Samantha

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After arriving at Mrs M's house, there was a bit of confusion as she wanted to come shopping with me. A quick call to head office (high fives to Dave!), and we managed to explain to her why that couldn't happen. She wasn't best pleased that this was the case but I said I would do my absolute best to get her everything she needed. I got a Paddington Bear stare for this but, as we worked through her list, we found common ground while talking about Yazoo milkshakes. My favourite is chocolate, hers is vanilla and I was tasked with buying as many as I could afford once the rest of her items had been bought.

With that vanilla-flavoured olive branch in my head, off I went. Only to find Tescos didn't have any. Nor Waitrose. Or Sainsbury's. The fear set in. However, Sainsbury's did have a own brand carton so I rang Mrs M who said she was willing to give it a go. Phew. With budget spare for 5 litres, I loaded up the basket and headed back.

When Mrs M saw how many milkshakes I managed to get, she couldn't believe it and started giggling. I left with her all smiles - such a lovely way to end what started out as a very tricky mission.

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Mon 1st Jun 2020 at 10:40am

Well done, Samantha! Sounds like you made Mrs M's day with this mission.

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