No animals (fluffy or otherwise) were harmed...

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Camden
Nick Moore
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Wednesday 8th July 2020

Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Nick Moore

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As I arrived outside the pharmacy in Hampstead to pick up Ms H's medicines I noticed an abandoned hedgehog (of the genus "soft toy"), sitting somewhat forlornly on top of a newspaper rack. Rather like abandoned single trainers or trousers spotted on road sides, I couldn't help but wonder was these thoughts that kept me entertained as I waited for the prescription to be dispensed by the very efficient pharmacist.

It was then a quick peddle in the drizzle down to a very grateful Ms H and the happy end to this particular to the fate of the hedgehog...well I guess that will only be discovered in a future episode.

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Amy Pezet

Mon 13th Jul 2020 at 5:46pm

Great mission Nick. I hope that the hedgehog has found their way home!

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Volunteering at Paddington Rec Junior Parkrun
🗓Sunday 9th March 8:45am

Improve the local community by supporting young runners doing 2k around the park 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Gosia RybackaJohn Shirley
2 GoodGymers are going - 3 spaces left! 👀