Monday 11th September 2017
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Alex Eggs
After many last-minute calls, emails and whatsapps due to various unforeseen cancellations, GoodGym Tower Hamlets were sadly taskless this Monday evening. But this, nor the looming threat of showers, did not deter 14 wonderful GoodGymmers who were keen to get their weekly fitness fix at the start of the week. It was a pleasure to welcome Shivani who came for her first group run, and also to celebrate Gabrielle on her 50th good deed! After a short warm-up in Victoria Park we headed along the canal. We were in fact equipped with some bin bags on the off-chance of some impromptu litter-picking, though despite having our eyes peeled, rubbish was hard to come by both in the park and along the canal (great job Tower Hamlets Council!) We split into 3 groups along the canal, each running separate distances between bridges all spaces 500m apart. The runners nimbly dodged the commuting cyclists whilst keeping strong steady paces along the route out and back to the park. It was then time for two rounds of circuit training (squats, lunges and steps) before the heavens opened... as though nature disagreed with the prospect of a 1-mile time trial to round off our evening of exercise! Some great times were recorded despite the torrential rain for the first few minutes. If you can beat your time in these conditions, you can in any! Thanks for your wonderful running efforts this week and see you for next week's task! P.s. apologies for the photos - camera malfunctioned in the rain though hopefully you can make out the hotel foyer stretching!
Tower Hamlets
A great start to your weekend!