Thursday 10th September 2020
Report written by Danny
We were well equipped tonight with 3 of us from GG plus several along from Energy Garden. The gardens in the station are coming-up rather nicely now and verdant with all sorts of things, including plenty of nettles and other weeds. Energy Garden are going to organise a time when they (and hopefully we) can come down and pull them up.
On the Eastbound platform we were initially stymied by the water butts being basically empty, but we were able to give the plants (and possibly weeds) the drink they deserved by carrying it up and over from the other platform, problem solved. 👍
After a prior altercation with a GoodGymmmer, am glad to report that the bees at the nearby hive were on their best bee-haviour (thanks to Beth for the pun) 🐝
Another week of watering at Brondesbury Park sorted. As mentioned, we should hopefully be there soon to help out with the weeding...
Helping out after Christmas