Monday 20th March 2023
Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
Apologies for the delay, there seem to have been some technical issues at the previous upload.
With our base still in good nick, we went out to finish the previous litter picking session on the shared cycle / foot path along the A12. This was done pretty smoothly, so we made it into a plogging session following the pathways around Leyton Flats, with James jogging along holding a rubbish bag (Council provided, thanks to Linda) while the rest paused to grab litter and then dashed ahead to drop it in James' bag, while at the same time chatting & catching up - multitasking in action!
A little pause at Eagle Pond to watch the huge amount of swans floating about and back down to base it was.
next week it's Hainault as base.
next Wanstead session is yet tbc - Baby Bank management changes mean it is not yet re-confirmed.
Mon 27th Mar 2023 at 6:58am
Oops! I forgot to report where bags were left to Council 🙈
Helping those in need in Redbridge