Tuesday 15th January 2019
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Tim Mckenzie
The mission began 5 minutes earlier for Ed, who had to heroically jog the last 5 minutes to the mission after a disastrous puncture enroute!
Lucy, Darren and myself got cracking and greeted by a narrow windy staircase and a rather large heavy bed in a little room.
Did you put this bed together Mrs S? - Darren
Mr and Mrs S's son tracked down some wrenches and screwdrivers for us to take the bed apart. The bolts played tricks on all of us going through strange phases of being loose and tight at the same time.
We were totally unphazed by the vagaries of a bunch of nutty nuts, and all of a sudden we had split the bed into 4 separate parts!
A bit of skilful pivoting we had everything downstairs and had to get two armchairs and a sofa upstairs! This required some more technical, advanced pivoting. But i have to hand it Lucy her expert guidance meant we glided through the challenge!
You've got chandelier eyes! - Tim, referring to Ed's height-based challenge.
Bish bash bosh, we popped the bed together. And one selfie later we had a very pleased Mrs S bidding us farewell.
Tim and Ed had a little gander as to whether a taxi could get us to hartrigg, but alas it twere not to be!
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)