Monday 19th July 2021
Report written by Tom Mutton
CRIKEY that was a HOT one!
On a positively sticky and and humid Sheffield eve, 5 brave souls took on the heat to help turn woodchip at Heeley People's Park playground.
We met Rob the parky on site who gave us a brief and demo of the evenings task which involved turning the woodchip in the playground to ensure it remained spongy and in the. correct place to protect the grounds and the children who may/will fall of the equipment and require a soft landing!
We got straight to it, beavering away whilst having some extremely diverse chats about rare bird rescue in WeBuyAnyCar and the difference in plumage from ornithological to anthropological.
During our turning of the chips we were thanked by the locals and saw our good work being valued straight away with kids playing on the freshly turned hot chips.
James acted as Mr Rotivator for us all, making us smile and laugh as per and coming thick and fast with the puns! There were sections that were a bit ropey and at times we met at a fork in the road, but by the end there wasn't a chip left unturned!
At the end, Rob thanked us for our work which he said would have taken him all afternoon and told us about all the fantastic events coming up in the park including 'The Scottish Play' and more being performed by The Handlebards in the near future. He also mentioned about some successful funding which he said in a large part was down to the collaboration and engagement with voluntary groups such as ourselves!
We will be back again soon to help Rob and Heeley People's Park prepare for their future events.
Until next time, happy running :)
Heeley Development Trust (HDT) is a small, charitable development trust, founded by local volunteers, business people & residents in 1996. We have delivered youth, community, environmental and economic development projects in and around our neighbourhood for the last 20 years. We are working hard, developing a diverse range of income, social enterprises and assets, all with the aim of making Heeley a great place to live, with a real sense of place, pride and community. Our projects include; Heeley People's Park, Sum Studios (saving a Grade 2 listed Victorian School and redeveloping as managed work space – this is bringing jobs and investment into our community), The Heeley Voice - a local magazine and Recycle Bikes – a social enterprise supporting disengaged young people to gain training, confidence, work experience and jobs. If you are interested in any of our projects, would like to get involved or are willing to volunteer any of your time please do not hesitate to contact us or give us your feedback.
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