Saturday 3rd October 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ellie Dove (She/her)
8 GG Yorkies (+ one GG Yorkie mascot) braved the perpetual drizzle to tackle some tasks at Fishponds Wood. They split themselves neatly into 3 groups (two raking arisings, one lopping nettles) after the obligatory comparison of leg coverings.
Group one (Amy, Ed, Ellie McC & mascot) found a frog when raking where as Group 2 (Ben, Laura and Paul) only found sneaky hidden nettles which had been scythed along with the grass. Cue tingly ankles. Group 3 (Dave & Ellie D) were supposed to find nettles - and did - but also had great fun hacking at anything that over hang the path.
In the time it took Dave and Ellie to do a lap of Fishponds Wood, the raking was complete and the rakings had been dragged on tarps and sprinkled in the forest for fertiliser. Ed commented that he thought they had over-raked their section (can it be done??) but Friends of Fishponds Wood were thrilled.
Time for a group picture before heading home for hot showers!
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)