Ready for spring planting

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
Dom Tooze
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Tuesday 20th April 2021

Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Michal Czekajlo

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Dom and Darren mounted their bikes to deliver spring planting materials to adult carers in Woodthorpe, Southbank and Bishopthorpe in time for a themed Zoom session.

The project is aimed at helping carers to maintain their own wellbeing by providing a session on seed planting and an activity which they can do either on their own for a break form their caring, or with the person they care for. Carers have found the pandemic incredibly stressful and these sessions are a way of providing some connection with one another whilst enabling those who are anxious or unable to go out and meet in person.

This task supported
York Carers Centre
Our vision is to ensure that unpaid carers throughout York are valued, recognized and supported with equal access to a good quality of life that is not prejudiced by their caring role.

Our mission is to challenge the inequalities that carers face and ensure, through partnership working, that carers of all ages and backgrounds have their voice heard and have access to quality support and services reflecting their identified needs and interests.

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Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going